@Bandit look closely at image from start

RE: its been 2 years why would i be asking for help
RE: ???:H--H-H-H--H-E.-E.E-.E.-E.E-E.--.-E.-E.-E.........L-...-P
Mel me making the thing
the final episode of my fav show released
and im crying rn, btw look at this cool drawing
edit this
yup, out of ideas so im just posting random stuff that i did in 2 seconds
RE: create you own MEL (put your results of your mel in the comments incluiding da name)
this was so good why didnt i like this?
some animation i made!
(didnt find somewhere here where i could post this soooooo)
RE: i made this lil fanart for inanimate insanity (idk why i post it here but uh yeah)
@Bandit just like mephone’s cookie!!111!1!1
RE: i made this lil fanart for inanimate insanity (idk why i post it here but uh yeah)
im gonna make this an animation soon