My good friend OutSola. A warrior. as I’m sure all of MPP community has heard by now, Last night my little army and my friend Sola took on the world of TRR. We lost the battle but did not surrender. OutSola was sitebanned for ban evasion. A brave and noble act to spread awareness. (I do not condone OutSolas actions don’t hurt me) Sola is like a little brother to me, I even named my dog after him because he just… Looks goofy… But we have not seen the last of Sola. I’m not sure how much I am allowed to say but he is still here. How? Can’t say. But he is. Good luck out there Sola. Stay strong.

My statement.
I am a well-known member of the Multiplayer piano community and website. But unfortunately, I am being put on the target of a lot of hate. I am lucky enough to have many people by my side to support me. Wolfy, Scarlet, Sola, Yourfriend, Fleetway, Who?, Bheese, Mayah, Grant, and many more. I have been wanting to make a statement on the controversy that has come across me. I will be addressing these issues one by one. Number one. The most harmful. There have been countless rooms about my boyfriend, Wolfy. A well-known admin on this site. Their claims are that Wolfy is a predator, Taking advantage of an autistic girl (Me). While I am on the Autism spectrum, I can think for myself, all of the love I display is not Stockholm syndrome it is simply true and honest love. There have been comments about me, Being an 18-year-old and Austin being a 17-year-old. Though it may be looked down upon by some it is in no way shape or forms illegal.
Problem number two.
Racist comments. I, Being an Asian woman have made some comments and yes, Those comments were racist. I am told constantly. I will clarify. I was not calling anyone anything racist. I will state controversial things to start a conversation, None of them are directed.Problem number three.
While I’m sure most of you know I have been being harrassed by an anonymous using a proxy, Using many names. I have been asked countless times what I am going to do about it. What am I going to do to prevent it? The simple answer is I don’t know at the time, I have talked to Lapis, The owner of MPP and they said there is a shortage of what I can do. I have been encouraged to site ban any of them using a proxy though. They have been making comments, Calling me derogatory terms, and Terms that are not applicable to me. I am going to say this once, I will not tolerate any hatred to the community I associate with.Problem number four.
Abuse of power.
This is a big one for me, I was told very clearly by the admin team that even being able to have a bot is a big responsibility. I have access to the check VPN command which is what I use to site ban proxy users. I cannot site ban users without a proxy. The rules state that ban evasion via anonymous proxy is a bannable offense.If there are any more issues please leave them below for me to touch on. What I said here is true and I will not be debating it further, Thank you.
Here we go.
So, It’s true! I do in fact have lung cancer. It’s not a thing I wanted to address so soon but seeing as it’s being going around the community for about a week now I think it’s about time. I was in a car crash a few months ago and my head was heavily concussed and is still being sorted out, We don’t exactly want to do chemotherapy in case it affects my brain. There is a growing tumor in my lungs creating mucus in such a vital spot it’s nearly 100% fatal to get removed. I know that I have two very different communities following me on this platform so I’ll give each of them a bit of good news. For the community that i’ve tormented for god knows how long, The RP community: Lung cancer means I get to die sooner. And for the developing community I get to sound like steve-o from jackass lol. I’ll be fine, I wanna live out the rest of my life with the people I care about and thats what i’m doing. I have a wonderful boyfriend (You can stop asking, It’s not Austin we ended on good terms <3) And I have accepted the meaning of the tumor growing. If you have any questions put them below and if you want to comment on me and Austin not being the perfect couple then shut the fuck up. - Kaylee
The new MPP
Welcome to my meeting, Today we are going to discuss a new era of multiplayer piano, A new beginning. We wil be moving on from things that happened before this, We will forget Darklord. We will forgive Grant. There are new definitions of good or bad. Only you can decide who you trust and who you do not. Over the past weeks I have talked to 40 MultiplayerPiano users and have informed them of the new era. These user have agreed to turn on everyone, Give up everything to save MPP, For better or for worse. These 40 users could be anyone, You, Me, Even the dev team. It is up to you who you are going to trust. I am not going to tell you how the cleansing will commence, But know it’s already happening. Please keep in mind, These 40 users could be anyone on MultiPlayerPiano, You could trust a user with your life only for them to come to me with information. I can’t keep stalking your rooms forever, These 40 users will do it for me. Watch your back and good luck. - Kaylee Rose Faust.
Fleetway x Blobek lady
Fleetway looks down at the bare gravity connectors dangling in front of him, Like prey begging to be eaten. Fleetway, Already being a legal predator is ready to feast on his helpless prey, Counting the toes. One… Two… Three… Blobek only has 3 toes. The blonde boy brings his mouth to the souls of the feet and licks the slimy film off the heel of blobeks innocent toes. Blobek begins to tell herself “KAYLEE IS IN MY WALLS”. Thats all im writing
RE: #SiteBanWolfy
The "dystopian" MPP
After YourFriend quit MPP, For better or for worse, I thought to myself, We are losing members very quickly, The cleansing was a success and I have all sorts of data. In conclusion.
The site of MultiPlayerPiano is a hellscape land of hate, The only way I have seen users get along is when they band together and collectively hate one or more people. The 40 users I sent out to search have disappeared. The majority were site banned for impersonation of some of your more well-known MPP users such as Grant, Kaylee, Sola, Tsunami, YLL, and many more. The 7 spies that were not caught have left the site under my request. After these discoveries of the true community of MPP I’ve decided I have a list of demands, for some certain users, I will not state publicly what I am demanding but I will say the following.
YLL, Some Girl, Zane and Ochako. I will be contacting you all personally with what I require from you.
The searching and spying is over, I have the users I need and you can move on, Thank you for your cooperation.
Misty Sitebanned
We have done it. So many users were banned. So many users were assaulted, Slandered, Bullied. But no more… I would like to announce to you. Misty has been sitebanned. Me, Outsola, YLL, Bheese, Tripod, Duncan, and even my very own Nitsua. I, Being someone who always broke the rules have read them so many times. Last minute after weeks of fighting I found it. Lying about other users. Say goodbye to Misty…
RE: Grant's ALT Account?
Grant has been on the website with MANY other accounts, This is not new
RE: The new MPP
silver Essentially, They will turn on anyone, Spill every secret they are told. Trust nobody
My Promise to you!
No matter what, Every time I see a DDLC room I will join and say the following
“Hang in there Sayori”
“looking sharp, Yuri!”
And nobody can stop me. -
Arson stuff
I had heard rumors about a snake going around and talking amazing things to people, as a scientist I find this amazing so I go to look for it, after a few days I find it but it bit my in my hand, it went black almost as if it was burned, I don’t remember much after that all I know is that there are voices in my head telling me these wonderful things about fire and sacrifices. I must admit my head was throbbing at this point but I didn’t care; I was too interested in the story the snake was telling me, I tried to grab my notebook to write this all down but I couldn’t move, is it a dream? The snake’s voice changes to a deeper and more dark voice, it tells me about the gods of arson and gives me a torch. As I touch the torch my mind goes blank. I can’t think for myself, all I know is what I must do. Kill. I walk down the chamber hall,the flame on the torch warming my hand, the smoke clears and I see a struggling child tied to a pole. The fire on the torch seems to grow with excitement as I walk closer to the helpless child. the child looks at me with tear filled longing eyes and says “Please, I just want to go home” The fire almost speaks for me, my voice echoing through the chamber “silence, you will see your family soon” I barely have to move my arm, it’s almost like the fire has a mind of its on and the only thought on it’s mind is bloodlust. I hold the torch out as the flames lick the skin of the sacrifice he yells in pain “Spare the life of your own family” I shoot back "Your life is worth nothing compared to the arson gods’’ the pit of coal under the crying child lights and the flame walks up the pole he screams louder but it’s blocked out by a voice in my head, it’s the fire "well done, the arson gods will enjoy this’’ I nod my head with a blank expression, I felt no remorse doing this as it was what the arson gods wanted. The body is in ash and the flame is almost out, I hold out the torch and the fire jumps on and roars with heat and anger. As I’m walking out of the chamber I hear another voice, it’s the arson gods ''you have served us well… ‘’ I stop and thank them for being there for me when my family of simple sacrifices could not, and as I do I feel more powerful. I go to my house where my family of sacrifice’s once lived, almost like instinct I reach out my hand and the house is struck with energy from above, it lights on fire and I laugh for the rest of the night while the city, my house, my mind and me get consumed by the lovely flames. I have been laying in this hot blanket of flames for years… I open my eyes and don’t see any flame, I don’t see anything at all for that matter, but I stand up in the dark with nothing on my mind, I can’t smell the ash or feel the heat, I can’t even taste the raging bloodlust anymore, it’s peaceful. I checked my watch and my eyes that I thought were gone open, it’s been 17 years. I think back to what I had done, snake, the gods, my family and myself. I snap back in a rush and look around but all I see is white. the lights on the roof feel like they are burning my eyes, not in the way that i used to once enjoy, it hurts. My mind clears and I try to get up but I’m strapped to a bed, it’s hard to see as everything is white, the walls, the floor and the bed. I sit my head up but my limbs are strapped to the table. I look to the right of me and there is me, it’s a mirror, I see myself, my long black hair, my burned face and my schored black hand. I look closer to the mirror and see movement, it’s not me, it’s coming from behind the mirror. I’m starting to doubt that it’s even a mirror. The room is so quiet. The silence is so loud it hurts my ears. The invisible noise flares as I hear footsteps behind me, a man in a white coat walks into my room, the memory’s start flooding back, my job, my boyfriend, my home, my family, my city and me. I start to cry as the white coated man walks closer to me and reaches out. my arm feels a sudden pain, the white coat man walks out of the room. My arm burns, this piercing pain, I feel a coldness rushing through my veins and my arm turns numb, the cold crawls up my face and sits there, at this point it has covered my whole body, with my face being the only thing left that I can feel. The emptiness drowns my face and I try to scream but it can’t be heard, I can’t even hear it, this ringing in my ears is overwhelming, the straps that are holding me to this table feel more tight. I take a deep breath hoping it will be ok but it all goes black… I can see nothing but nothing is not there. I try to move but I have no body, I try to think but I have no mind. All these things that I have done have brought me here, Face to face with the gods I once worshiped. They don’t look welcoming anymore. The warmth of all the love and mutual trust I once felt has left the body I used to possess when I lived. I search for a shard of remorse that might resonate deep inside me but there is nothing for me to search, I don’t feel scared anymore. I don’t feel anything.