@The-Wife-Of-Sen holy shitttttt, your annoying, leave it be, or keep on going, honestly it doesn’t matter to me, but I’m done arguing with everyone, tired of the hate, and the bullshit, y’all so damn sensitive, it’s like you grew up hidden from the world, never knew what could happen to you if shit didn’t go your way so you bitched about it until it did go your way.

RE: why do so many people hate me here?
RE: Hey !
Elias I’m gonna curse all the time regardless, thanks for the so called tip though, save myself from arguments, so delay something that’s bound to happen, if you have a job, go do it, quit wasting your time on this piano site. Pathetic, if I’m immature then what are you.
RE: why do so many people hate me here?
I’m dropping it here and being mature about this instead of being a fucking child and continue arguing, salutations to whoever reads this.
Have a great rest of your summer everyone. -
RE: Hey !
Elias how does how I responded make me a kid, the fact you fucking responded and didn’t leave it where it was makes you the fucking child here. You are coming off as an asshole, rude as fuck too, and copying my shit lmfao, bro, get something original, “my opinion doesn’t mind you” who the fuck said it was an opinion?Dumbass child.
RE: Hey !
Elias people like you are a waste of breath to talk to, and by people like you, I mean, people that sit there and tell someone that they aren’t the age they truly are, makes you look like a fucking retard, grow the fuck up.