@i-m-a-simp You sound so old
RE: annoucment
Shinra Kusakabe I’ve been on. Just not talking to you, talking about you, but not to you
RE: Wow, i'm genuinely sad now @YourLocalPetOwner
@Creati132 Yeah, that’s where it got cringe asf
RE: why i love/hate my besite @YourLocalPetOwner
@i-m-a-simp Damn, one of the best friendships ever
RE: Our class was playing Gartic Phone for homeroom, and someone posed as me
@Creati132 They’re not wrong
RE: So, my bestie has beef with someone I have beef with
@Creati132 That was us last year lol
RE: I put my friends in this height thing thing
@Creati132 Imagine not putting your best friend on there. Ouch
RE: I'm terrified to do this, but I gotta follow dem trnds
@Creati132 Will you dm me right now
RE: I now have a new sexuality
@Creati132 Bruh, at this point let’s just make being attracted to everything a sexuality, everysexual
RE: My life sucks
@Creati132 It sounds like you’re joking about it, but it’s actually hurting you more then you make it seem
Dm me