Hello, my name is Michael… and i just want to say that im sorry for how i’ve treated everyone these past few days… i thought i was fixing my problems but it seems i was making them worse…
I’m sorry kylo… for being a horrible boyfriend… and yelling at you…
I’m sorry rylie… for being a bad friend… and just going off on you when i knew what i did was wrong…
I’m sorry kaya… for asking you such weird things…
I’m sorry bheese… for insulting you and saying such means things to you…
I’m sorry everyone… i hope your all happy… and i hope whatever relationship your in… lasts a lifetime…
I wish i could’ve been with you forever kylo… but i guess shadow is hotter, cooler, and nicer than me…
I’m truly… truly sorry… to everyone… -
Time to explain myself once again.
Hi, as you all know my name is michael afton, im 14, and im taken by @The-Bitchy-Waste-Of-Space. I had just came back from not being on all day yesterday and the first thing i saw…was things about me and a guy i despise more than anything @DameionLeingh. the most concerning thing i saw was that he was stating i got him pregnant and that we were a thing, and he had evidence and everything. but i know nothing about this. all i did was sneak on my computer for a few minutes yesterday to talk to everyone, my parents found out and took it, then i watched tv for the rest of the day. i don’t know why this shit was started about me but im sick and tired of it… all i’ve been doing since i got unbanned from mpp is fix the mistakes i made…i’ve been trying to make amends with people and try to put everything i did in the past…im sorry for everything i did, im sorry for making people hate me, im sorry for everything and i just want things to be back to what they were in the past where things were simpler and there wasn’t all this drama…that’s all i ask…for those who read this, thank you…and im sorry…
To those who actually give a shit about me.
Thanks for puttin up with my bullshit and forgivin me for everything i did, i’m tryin my best to fix some old habits and problems i caused. for those who hate me, you can say what you want, call me what you want, and do what you want bc tbh, i don’t care anymore. all i care about is the people who DO still care about me. Thank you all. and I promise to try to fix everything i started.
RE: I just wanna say something.
@Kaya-Rose You can do it kaya, keep on pushing through no matter what!..
RE: ...
@Kaya-Rose im glad you got that off your chest and im sorry ur goin through all that… i wish i could help…
I think this idea is very much needed.
You shouldn’t be allowed to ban people from someone else’s room even if you have the crown. it keeps happening and it’s getting annoying.