@Wubbrle-the-C-l-one I noticed it too, wrubble. Right after I got a “bad gateway error” pop-up. I waited for a while before i got in and VOILA: new boxes!

RE: The update changed something else too...
RE: Welcome to today's episode of "KitKatGirlie" in a Nutshell
@Your-Local-Ghostface-Simp ditto
This just goes to show how broken my humor is!
RE: My MPPC tier list since its a ✨Trend✨
Awww, second top tier is better than nothing, so thanks! :)
RE: Some of my favorite people!!
@Your-Local-Reaper “Im a goofy goober, yeah! you’re a goofy goober, yeah! We’re all goofy Goobers YEah!!” XD…wha-YUMMY art?! O<O;
RE: whoo.....whooo...WHOOOO! KOKUSHIBO-
Blake insert me slowly holding up a camera :3
New Shinigami incoming!!!
For those of you who remember My out of the blue oc, Kama the shinigami:
Now I introduce you another shinigami who she just cannot tolerate; her name is…Kusari
now WHY, may you ask,why does Kama not tolerate Kusari? Well, I will be more than obliged to tell you, dear reader! It’s because Kusari is a…bit more of a blood knight than kama ever was. Kusari has a penchant for actively pursuing mortals to harvest without bothering to wait for their time to come, whether they are innocent or not, she doesn’t care. She just gets sadistic glee just from hunting them down herself! They have…butted heads over this, and Kusari has always called kama a “spoilsport who lets all the good game go to waste!”.