I DIDDDDDDD! No this isn’t a vent bc I found it funny and my mum is proud. they were gonna send me to another skl but they said because I’m a nice girl they won’t. So what happened was this girl named lily ann was walking with my best friend to school and I saw them, as one would do I did a cheeky jog to catch up with them but then I heard that lily Ann say about how she went to my other friend Kaycie’s house and how lily ann called me scalene (because of my eczema like… what) then kaycie being the gorgeous girl she is said to lily ann not to call me that because kaycie has it too. And basically lily ann was making fun of the whole situation. Then I walk into the school doors and lo and behold my best friend (her name is daisy) told me the same thing I heard and I told her I already knew and heard. Me and daisy get into English I’m fuming then I tell her watch what happens at lunch . Lunch comes and I walk up to lily ann and said “did you call me scalene?” She denied it so I right hooked her in the face and the force I put into it was that hard she fell to the floor so she got back up and I grabbed her by the hair and literally slammed her to the floor and punched her again before I was dragged away by teachers. And while I was in detention I drew this everyone laughed at lily Ann and cheered for me because she needed to be put in her place instead of chatting about people all the time.
B3y-B0p Gang
Guess who got suspended from school
RE: Im so tired...
Shadow I know how you feel it’s like they expect so much from you and you try and try and it never seems to be good enough untill they think it is. I think you should try take some time for yourself and if you don’t want to thats okay but I do hope you feel better soon ❤️
I’m scared
My second older sister is in hospital because the hospital thinks that my sister was drugged when she was drinking because she wasn’t breathing and my mums cousin had to do cpr on my sister and then the ambulance came and took her away and guess who wasn’t there… MY DAD BECAUSE HE LEFT US FOR A TRAMP WHO TOOK 137K FROM DISABLED CHILDREN FUNDS. and originally we were gonna leave her on the couch if we did she would have died, if we didn’t know where she was she would’ve died. And she went our drinking with her friends and trust when I next see them I’ll fucking kill whoever did that to them I’m so scared for my sister because she was foaming out of the mouth I was crying begging for my dad to come over and he didn’t I’m so upset I’m scared
RE: So my now ex broke up with me
ɪɴꜰɪɴᴀ-ᴘʜᴏᴇɴɪx I’ve never cried so bad before like that ruined me
RE: So my now ex broke up with me
I’m in English run and he keeps fucking looking at me he actually needs to fuck of before i walk out, it’s his fault why I don’t want to speak to him anymore maybe he shouldn’t have done what he did and I would’ve tolerated him but now I can’t fucking stand him
So my now ex broke up with me
So basically I was at a youth club and I thought all was dandy and amazing… THATS A LIE. So my ex goes and says there’s gonna be a fight do he gets a whole group of people to go outside including my friends and my ex got his friend to break up with me for him. UH… likeeeeee huh. And then get this, he literally told everyone that I asked him out bitch no I didn’t you asked me out ME…. He soon admits to asking me out. Then says the relationship was forced because he didn’t want to say no and felt like he had to do it because he didn’t wanna hurt my feelings…. Bitch wha. I searched up what force means: to make someone do something against their will… THAT DIDNT HAPPEN LIKE I HATE MEN 😭 and then I said “what the fuck no that didn’t happen he willingly grabbed my hand and asked if we wanted to date”… I should’ve said no… I ACTUALLY SHOULD HAVE SAID NO. now people think i forced him into a relationship… uh hold up wait a minute something ain’t right… it sounded awfully familiar OH WAIT MY FRIENDS SITUATION WHERE HER BOYFRIEND SAID E WAS FORCED INTO A RELATIONSHIP. but then something fucked up happened: he said he only wanted to break up because he never liked me in the first place and then said he fell out of feelings for me. Butch what that doesn’t make sense like which one fucking is it… you never liked me or you fell out of feelings. And if you didn’t like me why would you grab my waist and thighs, hold my hand, hug me, kiss me. Like be so fucking for real bruh. Then I walked home by myself streaming tears because I actually liked him and hes ruined my trust in just a click a fucking click. And he really thinks someone high up on the autism spectrum is gonna “force” him into a relationship… NAHHH. I f I did I would have cried and felt really bad. Now I’m avoiding him and nit being friend with him because hes such a fucking dick I hate him I hate him so much to the point whenever I look at him I want to beat the ever living shit out of him
I think my mom ate with my birthday gifts
So basically it was my birthday Sunday and I asked for hello kitty stuff for my birthday so my mum told me to go in shein to get my own presents so I did… little did I know my mum got me more stuff this is probably the kindest thing she’s done so basically I got Sanrio character erasers, cinnamorroll and kuromi Lego sets I have a my melody one coming Sunday hopefully and cinnamoroll pyjamas
like gurllll
RE: Y’all I’m low-key scared TvT
Star_lover ik ghosts are real- we literally had a demon thing stood by our front door and my brother he was fucking 3 at the time and didn’t know a thing about ghosts