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I love food. We love food.
Food. <3

  • RE: hu hh,,

    WRATH good idea, I recommended that to my father but he decided that it’s not that serious and that my health isn’t in danger and that we don’t need doctors

    posted in Wellbeing
  • if I upvote your post

    it’s not always that I just like your post, it could just be me letting you know I acknowledge your post, I read it, I saw it, I just don’t feel like a response is in order to your post
    that or I do just agree with you cuz… that’s it

    posted in Community
  • RE: Say Amen (Saturday Night) by Panic! At The Disco ((lyrics))

    why the fuck does this give “it’s friday night”

    posted in Song Lyrics
  • RE: basically my life lately

    my dog died 😔

    posted in Wellbeing
  • RE: hu hh,,

    had a tooth abscess like a few months ago, never got it treated, never got it taken care of, but apparently they need to get taken care of or they’re fatal and I still don’t know what’s up with that… 🐧 slightly worried lol

    posted in Wellbeing
  • RE: hu hh,,

    probably more things I cant even think of because they happen so frequently, but currently everything in between my rib cage hurts 😭

    posted in Wellbeing
  • RE: hu hh,,

    genuinely can’t even walk without my thigh bone feeling like its grinding against my hip bone (or something idk man)
    cant breathe without feeling like I don’t know how to breathe
    actual stabbing pains in my left lung and/or throat
    stomach pains that originate from who fucking knows where

    posted in Wellbeing
  • hu hh,,

    the amount of physical health problems I have and will never know about it until it’s too late because I don’t ever go to hospitals or doctors is actually abusrd, I know for a fact the way I physically feel all the time isn’t normal 🐧

    posted in Wellbeing
  • basically my life lately

    uhh idk where to start so I’m gonna start with my most concerning things

    sometimes when I’m in school and I breathe it feels like i’m not getting enough oxygen and I’m choking even though I’m pretty sure i’m 100% fine, throat isn’t closing, not a weird coughing sensation, literally just feels like I’m drowning above water, still ain’t got a clue what that’s about yet
    whenever I feel particularly emotional I feel weak, lightheaded, and overheated; just fought my dad and I felt like I was gonna pass out when all I really did was yell

    other than that I feel like I’m losing my voice because it’s been happening literally once a week (physically fighting and yelling at people 🤩), I’m in constant physical pain all the time, I’m always in a bad mood because of SOMETHING, and I’ll tell you right now some of you internet freaks really aren’t helping

    I haven’t been able to get a good nights sleep without waking up every 30 minutes for the past 2 years
    constant harassment
    constant physical pain
    lips always chapped
    constantly losing my voice

    the shit i’ve been dealing with for the LITERAL past 8 years
    all I ever get is “call CPS, call 911, try this, do that, I’m sorry” or I just get ignored or someone replies respectfully with advice to seem cool and nice when they don’t really even believe me in the first place and i’m just whining on the internet for attention

    womp womp ig

    posted in Wellbeing
  • RE: Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?


    posted in Boredom