@tea-and-crumpets I feel like its not them being woke, but that they feel like they're entitled to any and everything and use 'being woke' as an excuse.
But thats just how I feel so idk
basically for people who enjoy r&b :D
@tea-and-crumpets I feel like its not them being woke, but that they feel like they're entitled to any and everything and use 'being woke' as an excuse.
But thats just how I feel so idk
What does 'Inclusive language' even mean? Sometimes not everyone needs to be included and that's okay. People need to understand that more.
Also, my grades before they go downhill drastically
Mb y'all I forgot cause I fell asleep but here cause my internet access on my phone is restricted and my mom keeps forgetting to give it back, so heres some ig pics !:
I can figure out how to make it happen if y'all want one.
[ALSO FOLLOW MY IG: @Starzforyou_]
tripod No literally, I'm not gonna use y=mx+b to look into peoples brains !!