Shadow I know how you feel it’s like they expect so much from you and you try and try and it never seems to be good enough untill they think it is. I think you should try take some time for yourself and if you don’t want to thats okay but I do hope you feel better soon ❤️
#RanBoo Rules!
yes, i did make this club or whatever you wanna call it a while ago but im finally making something for it :]
RE: Im so tired...
I’m scared
My second older sister is in hospital because the hospital thinks that my sister was drugged when she was drinking because she wasn’t breathing and my mums cousin had to do cpr on my sister and then the ambulance came and took her away and guess who wasn’t there… MY DAD BECAUSE HE LEFT US FOR A TRAMP WHO TOOK 137K FROM DISABLED CHILDREN FUNDS. and originally we were gonna leave her on the couch if we did she would have died, if we didn’t know where she was she would’ve died. And she went our drinking with her friends and trust when I next see them I’ll fucking kill whoever did that to them I’m so scared for my sister because she was foaming out of the mouth I was crying begging for my dad to come over and he didn’t I’m so upset I’m scared
The current 'drama' or whatever.
I know I'm not online a lot but. .Can we just like. .Not?? Bheese is back, okay. Cool. You don't have to like them, but Rep bombing is against the rules. Telling the mods to 'step up' is kinda disrespectful since Rylie is the ONLY mod at the moment that I know of since I'm not old enough until April, and she's only one person, so cut her some slack, mkay? She's trying her best.
So please just. .If you don't like somebody on here, just block and move on with your day. You don't know these people irl, and you most likely never will. Replying to somebody, just because you don't like them or what they said, repbombing, etc. .It's completely unnecessary and immature.
So can we just like, chill please??
Thank you.
RE: the worst and best medicine flavors?
I don't remember what it was but it surprisingly tasted good, but then I started having it too much cause I kept catching the flu and getting sick so I got irritated.
RE: the worst and best medicine flavors?
Anything Cherry and mostly grape flavored [I've had one grape medicine that actually tasted somewhat good] taste like shit. The only bubblegum one I've had is peptobismol or however you spell it and I hate the consistency of it but the taste is okay.
RE: So my now ex broke up with me
ɪɴꜰɪɴᴀ-ᴘʜᴏᴇɴɪx I’ve never cried so bad before like that ruined me
RE: So my now ex broke up with me
I’m in English run and he keeps fucking looking at me he actually needs to fuck of before i walk out, it’s his fault why I don’t want to speak to him anymore maybe he shouldn’t have done what he did and I would’ve tolerated him but now I can’t fucking stand him