tb to when a shooter was on the loose in my town
spidermeow haha, I have about three child molesters in my neighborhood :)
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Ikr… I absolutely do not like those things. I’ve probably had PTSD from the one I delt with when I was 8. It wasn’t bad, nor did it change my life physically. Nothing was damaged, and no one got hurt. But I remember that was the most scared I ever was in that time period of my life. I couldn’t even say the word “tornado” till I was 14. I had a few other really crazy fears tied to that, like…embarrassing ones xD Storms still freak me out a little, but definitely not nearly as much as they used to now that I’m older.
Knox Ugh o.o There’s this one that’s down the road from us. Creepily, he’s on a road called “Sparkle Street” right next to “Luster Lane” (which sounds a way too close to molester lane in my opinion)
@Duchess lol
@Duchess ye
@Duchess lmao it does
@Duchess wherever u live would bne amazing if the creeps didn’t live there
those street names are fabulous ignoring the fact that “luster” sounds close to (mo)lester -
spidermeow my mom was telling me last night how pedos wanna be called pack
spidermeow Yeah. I think the worst part of that is that those streets are next door to a middleschool. And next door to the middle school is a liquor store.
@Duchess i will visit the liquor store