A gay man that is cute af to me is
his mama should be proud
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi HE SO FINE!
lemme know if i post the same pic twice
This is where i say ew
@Menace-to-society-0 Can I ask what it is you think is a disgrace? Because if you’re saying what I think you’re saying, we got a problem. Personal problem.
@Menace-to-society-0 ayo?-
jun That this world, This generation has become something that it is not supposed to be. Bro Look at this man. Why? Why would someone do something like this? Men are supposed to be with women and Women are supposed to be with men. No other genders or anything.
If we got problems then we do. I do not care because I know that I am right on my end. Men wearing Cat ears? Are women becoming men? Men becoming Women? Its a disgrace and horrible. I rather go eat Cow shit then deal with this.
@Menace-to-society-0 im not changing genders fr. . .
@Menace-to-society-0 'kay, fuck you.
@Menace-to-society-0 Then don’t fucking deal with this and go eat shit, cunt.
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza smash /j
@YourLocalNerd i would smash