I am gonna say this.
I am done with all this bullshit with everyone. what happen to me was not okay. Me and my mom where walking to the Walmart doors, and there was a doge pick up truck. there where like 4 guys in the car. this happen at 10;20 and my mom was walking slow bc people do it to her all the time. and the car was behind us i look back and i said “oh mom” she said “I know, I don’t car” and as we get closer they sped up and i turn around they they take a pic of me with my ears on and they speed off. i started crying and took my ears off. my mom didn’t realized but when i stared crying and took my ears off. if they posted it and i find it my mom is reporting them to the police and if we can’t find them we will go to Walmart and ask for the video.
I am done with people and their bullshit. Its a stupid head band with ears. and I am done with people assuming i am a fucking zoo or that i like fucking furry porn no i don’t if u guys think that you all can fuck off and get a life. Its not funny, clearly these people are drug addicts to they are dumb and stupid. I am a 15 yer old , let me be .
people in this world are just stupid that are fucker’s Lets furries and other hobbies be. idc if u don’t like it, but that does not mean you can be rude.
@Kaya-Rose lets not say slurs
dreamy2 dude, don’t I am not in a good fucking mood.
@Kaya-Rose just because you’re in a bad mood doesn’t give you the right to say certain things- i’m sorry that happened to you but you also gotta take a chill pill
dreamy2 dude don’t i can say wat i want.
@Kaya-Rose @Global-Moderators
dreamy2 can u just go.
dreamy2 omfg u are fucking rude.
alright dreamy pls just stop. give the person some space.
@Kaya-Rose my fault for calling out homophobia ig, i’ll leave
This post is deleted! -
@Sen2 im not homophobic. i called the fags bc they made me so fucking angry
@Sen2 i am part of the lgbtq
@Sen2 i didn’t i was saying the people who where being a ass hole
@Sen2 is that better for ya
chill out dude -
@Sen2 I am sorry I said fag. I am LGBTQ. I say thing and i don’t realized . im sorry that i upset u. I am just angry that people are being dicks this happen all the time. and i wasn’t saying it to any of u i was trying to say it about the other people irl. I shouldn’t have said it and sorry i worded it the way i did.
@thatonegayperson openly defending someone saying a slur is crazy
dreamy2 being banned is crazy
the homophobia is wild