TTMIB- Talk To Me, I’m Bored
And even if all these people do hate me, idc bcz das why I have my irl friends🥱😂
Does it not let u?
Who u? -
@702_Ana “does it not let you”
man lol i didn’t think anyone would ask that lol i thought of it as a rhetorical question lol which is why i found it funny
@702_Ana nah u not mean
Scorched Drako dumbass stfu
@TheyLuhJay who pissed in your cereal dude?
I will if he leaves me, and I will if she hates me. E and J♥️♥️♥️SWEARRR I AM IDK WHY PPL HYPING ME UP SO MUCH🙈
Scorched Drako idk but your gonna get pissed on when u wake up
better remember that
@TheyLuhJay cool story? who asked? and who cares? at this point, you’re tossing shade, probably cuz you deleted a post, or had your post deleted, and you’re mad at me for it, so take you’re grumpy ass self elsewhere? lol and cry in a corner while you’re at it too
Scorched Drako alright
Scorched Drako im not mad
Scorched Drako i just wanna hear your last words
@TheyLuhJay inb4 nothing happens period cuz you think you know shit? lmao
Scorched Drako why dont u stfu?
Scorched Drako ok zaddy
@Izzy yo izzy get in dm’s rq
@Izzy okay? and you are? lmao
Scorched Drako who are u because u randomly popped up on mppc like noone knows u