Hey !
Hakuna Itsumi 3/1
@Elias people like you are a waste of breath to talk to, and by people like you, I mean, people that sit there and tell someone that they aren’t the age they truly are, makes you look like a fucking retard, grow the fuck up.
Hakuna Itsumi said in Hey !:
@Elias people like you are a waste of breath to talk to, and by people like you, I mean, people that sit there and tell someone that they aren’t the age they truly are, makes you look like a fucking retard, grow the fuck up.
You’re sad to watch mate, keep this attitude, and keep thinking saying “fuck” after every sentence will make you prove your point, and we will see how you will end up in life. Not going to waste any more time on you.
@Elias I don’t have to say fuck to win this wannabe argument, I curse all the time, ask anyone that knows me, but, I have one thing left to say, that is, yeah, I’m kinda a kid, I’m a teenager, but so are you, 18 isn’t an adult, thought you would have been more mature to be honest, thats sad, imagine being 18 and arguing online, go do something with your life, get a job or some shit, quit wasting your life and time on a piano site.
@Elias not after, in**
Hakuna Itsumi Got a job thank you, here, have a great tip. Not trying to insult you or anything, When you curse all the time, it makes you appear immature and offensive. So if you want to have a better reputation, and save yourself a bunch of arguments, go ahead and use that tip, if not, Your choice.
@Elias I’m gonna curse all the time regardless, thanks for the so called tip though, save myself from arguments, so delay something that’s bound to happen, if you have a job, go do it, quit wasting your time on this piano site. Pathetic, if I’m immature then what are you.
Hakuna Itsumi Friday is my day off, thanks for your concern about my duty.
@Elias to be honest, only problem I have with you is, you assume people’s age and say it like it’s a bad thing, don’t forget you were 12 once before too.
Hakuna Itsumi I just looked at the profile before commenting and saw the age. I never assume.
@Elias you must have memory loss. First comment you made was about twelve year olds, not everyone here is twelve, if you are mature enough, leave this argument here and go about your day, if you aren’t then be my guest and respond to this little comment.
Hakuna Itsumi Nah, I actually find you entertaining :)
@Elias nice to know, can’t see where I gave a fuck though-
Hakuna Itsumi No problem, enjoy the rest of your day.
@Elias thanks I guess, so, you gonna stop arguing or are you gonna be a damn child about it and continue.
@Elias you too.
Hakuna Itsumi “Enjoy the rest of your day” seems like a conversation killer to me.
@Bruh-What-Happend Yeah I truly don’t care about my rep on a piano website.
@Elias Salutations, Elias.