Hey !
@Bruh-What-Happend Ikr Lol
@Lenarabu Fuck off u 2 alwayz trynna defend shit
@Bruh-What-Happend Im not defending anyone here I’m just making small comments while sucking up this Argument fuel like it’s crack cocain
@Lenarabu They ment me cuz I was making comments idk why they @'ed u
Well i saw this too- there where talking to both of us then
@Lenarabu oh well, sorry for the misunderstanding :)
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Silxnce What differences?
I mean Im not saying anything Just commenting It is 100% your choice to comment back and start something :)
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Silxnce Nope, I was just commenting as I said 3-4 times Now :)
wish you would grow up
Says the Child who doesn’t have a job and says “iMaGiNe bEiNg 18 aNd oN a PiAnO sItE”
you keep a fucking grudge over nothing.
Just commenting, It’s your choice to reply back like I said :)
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you said shit first jackass,
the first two things I said where nice, warm, and calm :>
Mostly ages 7-17 are here Hehe
Hello I’m the Person you met today :>
The first two things started as Anger fuel so Idk what you’re talking about
why come off as a fucking asshole?
You are coming off as an asshole, rude as fuck too, and copying my shit lmfao, bro, get something original,
Honestly, your almost never calm ma’am :)
Personality: Calm and peaceful, until I’m not.
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