Who is more likely to be an admin on mppc?
@toxic oh well still lol
@Full-Out-Rylie Can agree
@Creati132 ong
I can’t even apply for moderator until I’m 16. Guidelines.
they probably meant on here but go on i guess
it’s hella confusing since both sites use the acronym “MPPC” and it’s hard to tell apart which is which
@merope-temp-account Actually mppclone minumum age for mod application is now 15 while this site is 16
Laws wouldn’t make a good admin and heres why. Yall he just got here, it hasn’t even been 6 months yet and you guys want to put him in power? Like cmon now. We need people who know the site and who’ve been here for a while so we know for sure we can trust them. No offense to him or anything but it’s just not something thats should happen anytime soon.
@finn-dfw-u I tbh agree with you to an extent. I don’t even think I should be an admin at least until I’m 16 in several months, and admin probably would agree
@Laws Not even then, you don’t know the site well enough for that, look at Duch and Shazz, both of them have been on the site for a fairly long time, and they know the site well enough and get along with people well enough to be a moderator. No shade to you or anything
@finn-dfw-u How do you know I’m not going to know the site very well in around 9 months?
@Laws Nvm just forget I said anything
@Laws my opinion doesnt fucking matter anyway and you always try to prove me wrong
@finn-dfw-u I’m not trying to prove you wrong or anything, I’m just trying to understand your point behind what you said here
@Laws the point behind it is, theres better people to choose as moderators and we need more before 9 months from now.
@finn-dfw-u Theres people like MrTree who’ve been here long enough and get along with the community well enough