i will now wrap my other hand
so since my right hand kinda feels better i will now be wrapping my left hand :]
reasoning on why im going to wrap my left hand is bc i kept poking myself with a pin and theres a bunch of marks and now it kinda hurts so
if this offends you then dont post on it. i just wanted to share what was going on and honestly theres been a lot more gross and offending shit than poking pins in my hand so honestly the people on my other posts saying that its gross and i shouldnt post something like this, fuck off. to me, idk how its gross but you do you man.
after: -
@Full-Out-Rylie ok ✨
@Full-Out-Rylie I thought you said “i will now warp my other hand.” I was getting a bit concerned for a second lol
@Duchess lol
Lowkey, you’re giving me ideas.