hungergames season 2
who wants to be in the next season of the hunger games
last time i won and sadly i forgot to post the recap
heres season 1 here so that you all know what happened
we need more so that it could be actually pretty interesting
join fuckers,
@laraiia put me in
@laraiia me
and add @Thetruepath lol
4 including me so far
zofya406 what?
@Thetruepath title
zofya406 damn
@Thetruepath zofya didnt win last season what a pity
@laraiia I don’t think i had joined mppc at the time of season 1 so idk whats goin on lol. I’m assuming i have to kill someone?
@Thetruepath yes
@laraiia neat
4 days ago was when season 1 was hosted
@laraiia oh. neat
we are still waiting for more members…