Best gc moment ever
@Marshmallow Yes-?
@Creati132 ok good-
^ sorry about the accidental mention, just wanna say i dont have a gc like that but i do have a server im in that looks like that (in discord)
@Marshmallow this is just a random question and you definitely didn’t feed your cat cheese, right?
Burd Maybe not-
i didnt mean to-
he just walked up to my plate and ate some -
@Marshmallow Well, it really depends on what made the cheese
Some cheese may be harmful to a cat
@Calistaa i think a cow made the cheese
@Marshmallow If it’s from a goat, I’m not sure, but if it’s from cow it could be damaging to their health
@Calistaa well he kinda eats everything, like chews on the walls and eats blankets so im sure his stomach is strong enough to eat a little cheese lol
@Marshmallow Lmao. But aside from that there’s a chance he’s not lactose intolerant, but chances for that are low as most cats are
@Calistaa scientific proof that all lactose intolerant people are pussies