not again....
@DripBheese storytime roast are the best
@DripBheese heres one < 3
@Nova you probably make those little shits
@DripBheese I don’t have a youtube account
your fatherless + L + ratio + fucking dumbass + no dollar + no milk + don’t have Grammarly -
@Nova disproved, i have a father, i have 60 Dollars, + nerd + ratio, + get good + go jump off a bridge + no pokemon
@DripBheese I go to MacDonalds dumbass
@Nova wendies better
@DripBheese get sick from chocolate
@Nova british yll
@DripBheese " way toxic "
@Nova retardism
@DripBheese lmfao i love seeing you rage < 3
Yuhh British YLL >:]
@Rin since when was i joking about evib
@Tinso a m o n t h l a t er y o u r e s p o n d ? ? ?
why is she band?
here we go again
scarlet lol hehhHeehehhHhehehe
Remilia Scarlet when will this war stop
also i want wendy’s
scarlet lol ma’am this is a KFC.