Never said that you should be confined there
@S-hade mm, lettuce.
@Daydream https://mpp.community/forum/assets/uploads/files/1661319180326-bandicam-2022-07-24-19-00-41-579.jpg
mind explaining this one?
EVIL 2sola It was a joke. I tell horrible jokes.
@Daydream no shit you do, looks like something youd actually figure out how to do
EVIL 2sola No, I’m a very fresh man.
@Daydream unfunny
EVIL 2sola It wasn’t meant to be funny.
@Daydream you still succeeded in it being unfunny
EVIL 2sola that was the point, sola.
EVIL 2sola you have a dead donkey kong meme as your pfp you cant be saying anything
@1V0RYZZY ok tails roleplayer
This post is deleted! -
none of this is really part of the argument.
EVIL 2sola They don’t roleplay as tails. Probably.
(you need to tell me about these things ivory) -
@Daydream sometimes. very rare. like a 0.000000000000000000001% chance
@1V0RYZZY … Oh.