how I almost went to jail
So I had a job, a very “simple” job
- Find my old house
- Break in
- Find a cabinet full of dolls “cabbage patch kids”
- See if they are worth anything
so im making my way to my old house, me and my friends all get there and I place my foot on the back door, I then inhale and brute fucking force the door down, “BAM” the door is off the hinges, so I walk in, house smells like 100 cans of bounce that ass, so we walk around, and around, and and fucking around, we filled a box with cat litter, piss, [many other unholy items] to throw off any followers, and then I found the dolls, the fucking dolls. And I pick up a lockpick, and try and open it quietly, then my insanity took over, so I picked up a rock and beamed it so hard at the glass door that it shattered instantly, and fell over, I then looked at the dolls, my eyes widening as I realized they were all fakes, so I walk out the house, head around front, and walk down the street, before I hear a cop car pull over beside me. I look back at the car and they ask me if I was in the house recently, before I could say a word, my friends gun it down the street, and I gun it as well, and for the next hour, I was “wanted” so I ran home, told my dad if anyone asks about me don’t say anything, swapped clothes and walked right past the police, before heading back to the house, smoking a blunt, and heading to the towers in order to make a bit of bread, ya feel me?
this was me at the age of 14.
@Leader-Of-Femboys rip
oh damn, das cool đź‘‘