@ʀʏʟɪᴇ-Away It proves my case, She’s young, she has no idea whats even going on,
@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe leave
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@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe and since this is the internet, your not a bully you’re a cyber bully. there’s a difference. and shes not young. its called having spelling problems.
me after me to leave:
@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe stop being rude
@ʀʏʟɪᴇ-Away get good at typing then, people with stubs with arms can probably type better then her,
@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe “me after me to leave:”
what? -
@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe bro stop that isnt nice
@ʀʏʟɪᴇ-Away me after me to leave:
@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe you know what bheese stfu. your not fucking perfect like dude. its not like you’ve never spelled anything wrong.
@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe also why would you take a picture of misty?- tf-
@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe hehehee midsty sussy amogus:
@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe stop
n o
@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe leave now
@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe i did noting wrong to you
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@Bheese-Cinematic-Universe you go touch some grass if you have a problem