@I_Love_Zof ^^
Shazz_ because of the way i have been treated my intire life
Briii Damn…
Sapphire!!! yep mainly the ex’es im done dating im still crying because of the last one
Briii Everyone deserves to be appreciated - I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been treated otherwise throughout your life, and if you’d like to talk to me through DMs, you always can :)
I’d be more than happy to offer you a jewel of appreciation through my music if you’d like -
Alright, everyone quit saying if someone deserves a tribute or not. If you have something bad to say just don’t say it at all, think about how others feel and how you would feel if someone said you aren’t deserving of things. He is already going through things and he feels bad about himself, you’re just adding onto it, so please, be nice on here for once.
Briii Tbh, when I break-up with someone. I don’t cry, I move on that fast. But you have a right to cry, its their fault they’re loosing someone good.
Shazz_ thx i need that but also im done with dating…
@I_Love_Ttp said in @I_Love_Zof ^^:
He is already going through things
Sorry, who are we talking about?
Ttp is amazing and he tries to help everyone he can. If you have a problem about him or want to talk bad about him or to him, talk to me about it.
Shazz_ ttp
@I_Love_Ttp Oh I thought TTP responded to something earlier, oop.
Briii wtf-
Shazz_ i did a bit ago lol
Briii Tf- Why the hell would ur brother ask u out??
and hes my bio brother to
Briii alabama-
@I_Love_Ttp fr
Briii .-.
@I_Love_Ttp But I live in Alabama-