My Gumball Fan Art!
@Alexx lmao same
We have t been able to do it lately, our teacher told us he has a lil’ but of trouble concentrating on our actual work if there is little doodles all over the work, so he told us to not draw on our assignments otherwise he isn’t grading them. -
@Alexx damn igs im getting all F’s
@Alexx Wow really? My first math teacher actually did an entire lesson on how doodling helps you relate, expressing your creative side - He even has an entire white board dedicated to doodles!
At that time I was totally surprised about this haha! I didn’t know that was an actual necessity.
Since then, occasionally I’ll doodle as the class goes on but only when I’m super bored. -
Ha, no. It distracts my science teacher from grading our assignments. But honestly, I don’t even do my work -
@Alexx Oof, Algebra was tough. I believe in you!
Lol, nah it’s pretty easy now. I understand it more now.
But I can’t redo my past assignments, so I can’t do anything other than do my current work and hope to do well. But so far I have been doing well in most formative assignments. -
Why does it have 6, I thought it should’ve been a 8?
Schools probably do schedules differently I guess- -
@Alexx tbh idfk
@Alexx the teachers never say which is weird asf but they said dont worry abt tht
Ah, Alr. Well you seem to be doing decent. -
@Alexx igs-
@Alexx they down bc i was absent for 4 days n didnt do any work
Damn I missed 3 days, and the people who I used to hang around weren’t the best influence so I kinda ditch often, causing me not to get my work in. -
Shazz_ if this isn’t the most upvoted post on mppc idk what is
@Alexx Good to hear - I used to struggle with math specifically due to the amount of homework alone. But yea being academically good is important ultimately.
Mhm. -
That’s fucking amazing.