What's the most dramatic scene you saw in mpp?
Theres sm I can't even remember :Skull:
@XxGalaxyDropxX The most dramatic scene I saw on mpp was when Lapis, Nitsua, and Camel (back when he was a mod) were all in a room together telling Lav (he went by his name Aaron back then) that he’d be perminitely banned from mpp. It was really interesting being there when it actually happened.
Oh you mean Camel the Camel emoji dude?
This post is deleted! -
I was looking over ttp’s shoulder and he showed me some of the stuff going down before i joined, can’t exactly remember who it was but it was wack
Cursed Cucumber
i wanna do thaa -
Toxica You wanna do whaa?
Cursed Cucumber
look at what the mods talk about -
Toxica Ohhh yeah i don’t see much now that I’ve joined but yknow it’s hard not to since I live in the same house as him lol