In Loving Memory of my friend Austin
Not too long ago, our 10th-12th grade Recording Arts music class was downright devastated when we found out that our amazing vocalist, musician and loving friend, passed away this weekend from an unknown cause. We didn’t know what to even think or do - I didn’t know what to do.
Our loss didn’t only affect our class, but the entire school. He was a senior, had almost finished high school and was destined to live up to his music career. Every day, we’d jam and compose, and have fun till the music day was over. He had been part of an amazing band, a band that couldn’t even function without his amazing creativity and voice. My teacher Mr. Wood even dedicated a space on his white board for him to draw on because of his amazing talent in drawing as well.
I honestly didn’t want to go to class the next day. Seeing everyone as they were, though, all we needed that day was our own comfort from each other. Our sadness had lasted, but later that day we took a nice walk around the campass - that really helped. The next day we went for another calming walk. We were feeling a lot better today, but we had to accept the fact that he wasn’t going to be with us everyday, in our jam sessions and along for our walks.
But he’ll always be with us in our hearts. -
i feel sorry for your loss shazz
Im sorry that happend to you shazz I hope Your feeling better💖 -
Hood It’s okay - we’ve been a little better since then. Today we had some cinnamon rolls that one of my other friends brought for our class, and we jammed a bit.
Yesterday we played Austin’s original songs, a very wholesome moment in memory of him
Sapphire!!! helped me a lot on the night he passed - she made me feel a lot better, and I can’t thank her enough for being there for me at that moment. -
Toxica I’ve been feeling better. Thank you
I’m glad I have you guys - all of you are amazing and I couldn’t ask for anything better than that. -
Aww Thank you shazz you aswell -
yw Shazz_
Shazz_ :)
why is you smiling?
Hood I was smiling at this “Sapphire!!! helped me a lot on the night he passed - she made me feel a lot better, and I can’t thank her enough for being there for me at that moment.”
Shazz_ dude I know what it feels like I’ve lost so many people
Im so sorry you had to go through that shazz. Losing someone is never fun, and it sounds like he was a great guy.
@Vanescool12 I’m sorry to hear that :(
@Vanescool12 ]- Jinx "Snortable" Powder -[ Thank you for being here for me -
Shazz_ Aww, I feel so bad! Rest in piece Austin.
Damn, that’s really heartbreaking. Losing someone who everyone loves, someone who is very important for not just you, nor your friends, but for everyone. May they rest in peace.
im sorry for your loss, Shazz.
im sorry for your loss. I know it sucks when you lose someone you hold dear
Neincraft We weren’t really best friends, if you know what I mean, but he was as best of a friend to our class. We hold everyone dearly in our class, so I hold him dearly too.
I understand