i think i should just put this here, not trying to make him mad or anything.
@S0urpatchk1ds_ whatever. it’s not like you care about me anyways.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi guilt tripping doesn’t look good on you. you’re acting like a narcissist.
@S0urpatchk1ds_ oh fuck off.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi glady.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi your just mad people caught you in your act.
@S0urpatchk1ds_ lies? oh please.
And you said you’d always ‘love’ her no matter how much she hates you, welp we proved ya wrong in seconds, cause you just said something indicating you hate her- -
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi i meant act.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi oh. talk to luci she seems quiet pissed at you.
It’s funny that he’s not talking anymore cuz he got nun more to say.🫢 -
@Alexx right.
@S0urpatchk1ds_ you wish bitch.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi woah now, whats’ with name calling? :c
Aw, isn’t that some beautiful ‘love’ towards her? -
@Alexx go hang yourself on a tree.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi CAMERON FUCKING SAMS. that is TOO far.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi woaahhh michael. Calm down you salty butthurt asshole.
If I could, I would. But I can’t, I got a life to live for someone else. -
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi no wonder, no body loves you.