don't look if you love gumball
fan art -
@I_Løve_Zøf uncontrollable sobbing
Hot Chocolate ong
Thank you for deleting what ever it was I guess, haha.
Shazz_ yeah you don’t wanna see it XD
Shazz_ You don’t wanna see it, trust me.
Shazz_ Be very grateful, I was not so lucky -._-.
@Creati_132 I’ll get the bleach ready lol
Hot Chocolate I need something stronger
@Creati_132 Drain cleaner?
Hot Chocolate Stronger
@Creati_132 All of you guys are increasing my curiosity about what it was! Ahh
It was pure chance that I wasn’t on, haha -
Shazz_ Just know your eyes are safe from harm.
@Creati_132 Oh jesus- Hydrochloric acid?
Hot Chocolate S t r o n g e r
@Creati_132 Nitric acid? o.o
fluoroantimonic acid?
@I_Løve_Zøf I was about to suggest that >:(
@Duchess I see x.x