rich girl checkkkkkkkkkk
yourlocalkitkat Nice ^^
If I were able to take a screenshot of my mom’s stock on her phone, I would - she’s been playing it for years and she is seriously rich. -
Shazz_ damn -._-.
yourlocalkitkat I forget, does gold go past 1 billion?
I think my mom has over a billion gold, and a couple thousand gems ^^ -
Shazz_ i think so
yourlocalkitkat This also reminds me of how Dragon City works. I’ve played it for a while - I still have my Facebook account that I registered with, but I haven’t been active on it for months.
I can relate that these games are pretty fun and honestly never-endingly entertaining :) -
you spelled it right this time -
@Burd Spelled what?
Shazz_ r i t c h
@Burd i did it :D
@Burd Oh, haha ^^
yourlocalkitkat you did :D