I came back at noon on Friday yesterday. I was going to make this post yesterday but I was extremely tired being I woke up at 5 that morning. It took us till 8 to pack up the van and head out. I took many many photos, but it was on my dad’s phone, so I cannot share right now. I will find pictures online of my favorite elements though, and will share a little about what we did on the trip :)
We went to New York & Vermont
Fort Ticonderoga
Firstly, we got to the toll booth to get in the gate and our car broke down at the booth and some New Yorker behind us honked his horn and yelled, “Cmon man!” My mom said that guy had already ruined her day, but I told her to not let that one guy ruin it like that. We drove up to the parking lot and I guess I didn’t know we weren’t just going into the giftshop/bathroom and driving to the nearest campgrounds because we ended up walking around Fort Ticonderoga for the rest of the day, ending in me getting a painful sunburn on my shoulders. If I knew we’d have been out that long, I’d have brought my shawl.
Not pictures taken by me, but this is basically what it looked like.
You walk into the gate, and this is the road that leads inside the Fort ☟
Then when you walk in, this is what it looks like. This is the army barracks where they would sleep. There were reenactors around, so it make it kind of awkward, but cool lol ☟
Unfortunately, since we have a dog, we couldn’t all go into the barrack buildings together since dogs aren’t allowed, so we took turns. Even though there was this huge dog that went inside despite the signs saying no dogs. At the end, some employee said we could come inside with the dog and if anyone said anything, just say “Oops, I didn’t know” XD Our dog is only 8 pounds (3.6 kilos) so she’s quite small.These are stairs to get up to the wall. They’re on all four corners of this court yard ☟
They had some ox in the court yard doing some work and they made some huge pies right in the middle of the courtyard xD ☟
Outside the entrance, they had a cannon demonstration. I tried taking a video but only got the part where I accidentally squealed at the cannon going off lol ☟
King’s Garden
Down the hill of Fort Ticonderoga is this beautiful garden. This was my favorite part of the whole place. This is an overview ☟
This is the gates to the front of the garden ☟
This is the gate to get into the garden of that large white house ☟
And this is the front of the large white house. Wouldn’t you just love to live here? ☟
This is the back of the house where the garden is ☟
There was this shack in the back of the gardens which I joked that my great uncle would love to live there rather the white house since he claims nice things are “too good to use.” He also seems to enjoy “roughing it” even in his own house. He refuses to fix his shower. We couldn’t get a look inside the windows, but it’s a cute little place nonetheless ☟
Mount Defiance
This is the place I discovered I was sunburnt on my shoulders.
After we went to King’s Garden, we went to the top of this mountain where a reenactor gave us a talk about the history of the fort. We drove up there, but this is the path we had to walk the rest of the way ☟
Some of these photos are from 2012, but it looks just as beautiful does now.All these next photos were views from up there. You can see the fort from there! ☟
This is Lake Champlain ☟
They had some cannons up there too. The guy giving the talk said all of the cannons on the grounds were original except the ones they used to demonstrate (obviously so they don’t ruin the originals)
A Park in Ticonderoga, New York
Before driving into the park ☟
Our last day of being in New York, we went to a park to have some icecream since it was actually also my parent’s anniversary
We sat in that pavilion right there and let my little sister play at the park before we took a stroll ☟
We saw one of the waterfalls of Lake Champlain. I kept thinking to myself how it’d be so much classier if it were named “Lake Champaign.” but I guess you can’t change someone’s last name lol ☟
We went on this beautiful covered bridge. They aren’t that common actually! Less than a dozen are still around today. Though, I’ve been on a few since I am close to many historical landmarks ☟
My Photos
These are the only pictures I took on the tablet that I can share right now. Please excuse the bloody awful quality. I’m using my laptop camera to take a picture of the tablet’s photo gallery lol ☟
My attempt at taking a picture of the sign that said “For Ticonderoga” lol ☟
This track actually goes into this tunnel specifically created so the train went under the graves of the dead soldiers of Fort Ticonderoga, rather on top ☟
This is the entrance to the campgrounds we went to. Apparently we had to have rabies shot paperwork for our dog to show the one of the camp workers. My dad got scolded for that, but said they’d “let it slide this time” lol ☟
This is our camp site. Luckily, we had a whole bathroom to ourselves because we were the only campers on our road. My mom said that was her favorite part of our camping trip so she didn’t have to deal with people XD ☟
And the dog ☟
Overall, I had a great time despite hating to get sunburn. It wasn’t as bad as the last time I got sunburned. I should really bring sunscreen everywhere I go. I keep saying that, but never do anything. We don’t normally go out and do things like this, which is why I thought I’d share. It was a fun experience, but I’m definitely glad to be home.
@Serco915 30 years
@Duchess omggg that’s so pretty! <33
Also I’m glad your back and you had fun :D that’s the best thing that could happen is that if you has fun that’s all that matters -
Heyyyy duchess
@Duchess Wow
Thats really cool :)
tbh i would’ve quit halfway through making this post lol -
I can’t read all of it cuz my attention span is about the size of my brain,
But very epic -
@Duchess Wow! I should’ve shared about my camping retreat too, now that I think about it, haha ^^
I’m glad you had a very fun and interesting time :)
I really like how green some places were -
@Serco915 Ill be honest, I worked on it for a long time to get the pictures and decide how to order them lol
ɬɧɛყƖųɧʝąყ Hey!! Long time no see. I thougth you quit mppc lol
@xay-is-hot-duh Yeah :) Thank you. Having a good time was most important. I admit I was worried someone would ruin the experience.
Knox XD I knew it’d be too long for most of the community’s attention span.
Shazz_ Yes, it was beautiful. The pictures don’t do it justice!
Duchess luggage:
1x Phone
1x Computer
1x Drone
1x Mega Battery
100x dollars
5x Phone
1x Epic Drone
1x Car Repair Kit -
yay our mom is back!!
im 1 month late from saying welcome back
itsSamTheKing It’s okay lol