Mate last week i was so terrified bc my encore teacher needed me and she looked so damn serious about it 😭😭👍
But no 😍👌 i got Catherine Parr‘s solo in six the musical the song is called six
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 Shaylene i am so fucking (mind my language) proud of you
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 you have come so fucking far, from having trust issues and not talking to having solo’s in songs, this just proves you can do anything with friends by your side
The_Purple_Phantom thanks finn your the reason why this has happened to me you’re the best brother ever 💙
🎀🤍🐱Kitty White🐱🤍🎀 aww :)