Am I In the wrong for this?
This girl at school Is honestly mean to everyone. And I am Mexican and my mother made me a Mexican dish that I love. And I was eating It at lunch time and she started making fun of it. I didn’t say anything to her and ignored her and kept talking to my friends. But then she came over with a whole bunch of girls and started being racist towards me. Talking about how I should go back to Mexico, Or I’m going to go to prison for “Jumping the border” And I am a really sensitive person so I started crying. So then they started making comments about my body. Saying I’m “Small” And I’m probably poor and can’t afford food so that’s why I’m so small. And yes, I am a bit smaller then the kids In my grade, I am an 4’7 63 pound girl. And a lot of other girls Are about 5’1 and 100 pounds. So that’s when I went and told the teacher. I was really sad and I said to the teacher “They are being f-ing b-tches” So the teacher decided to put me In the office and not hear a thing about what they did, I had to apologize to THEM. This all happened yesterday at school. And now my parents are mad at me.
@EnvyLexi No, you’re actually in the right. Everyone else in this situation shouldn’t be acting this way for a number of reasons! That teacher isn’t doing their job, I’m sorry that that stuff happened to you.
nah you arent in the wrong. Kids are vicious. There’s a high chance they only bully you because their friendship doesnt work without a scape goat. I was in a group once like that. They would always find the person in the group who couldnt take the insults and bully the shit outta them until they left the group. The reason is because any time they were by themselves, they’d always start fighting and arguing with each other.
In other words the way they treated you is because they dont know how to have functioning friendships. You’re on the moral high ground here. -
@InvalidBandit Yea exactly, the teacher was simply just not doing their jobs. I would not of said It If they where being nice. Honestly, I have never liked that girl but this time she went to far.
@MrTree And It makes me so upset how there are people In the world like that. I have friends who are very mean, And have actually hit the girl who was being rude to me before, But honestly I don’t like violence so I told my friend to just leave It be. But no matter what I should of been the one getting an apology or something :\
No your not in the wrong those girls wanna be “baddies” and get attention from everyone there mostly da boys and if i was there it would of been different because that’s rude of what they did and if someone said something to them they would of been crying and its not your fault because they started it and you didnt needa say sorry but you had to because of the teachers and office. But did your parents hear the full story?
I agree. It sucks there’s people like that. If it makes you feel better, usually people who’re like that either change or end up having sucky lives. The people I was stuck in group with like that have mostly changed now. They changed enough that I feel comfortable talking to them, so. -
@520-Zhanyia No, my parents decided to say “So now you are saying teachers are lying” And I honestly wanna say so badly “YES, THEY ARE!” Because the teachers said the other girls “Did nothing wrong”
@MrTree I hope they do change soon. And thank you :)
@EnvyLexi My parents say that to so that’s why i keep stuff from them
@520-Zhanyia My parents said I can not keep anything from them until I am 18+ so I didn’t have a choice either way
@EnvyLexi That’s messed up :\
Teacher PoV: You need to apologize to someone because they’re a bitch
And honestly, American girls need to shut the fuck up about foreigners being smaller than them, not their fault you eat too fucking much LMAO
(i’m american, that’s not racist!1!!) -
Fuck all of those uncooperative cunts though, really. You weren’t in the wrong. In fact I would’ve blown that way more out of proportion, it’s just who I am to get pissed off and say/do things I shouldn’t
I myself believe your parents (I understand Mexican parents are strict, don’t need to tell me) were in the wrong for getting upset with you. If you haven’t told them the whole story, you should. As for the teacher? Tell someone (other than internet strangers), preferably another teacher you get along with, and maybe the teacher can do something, I dunno.
@marvie229 Exactly. Dose she want me to say “I’m sorry I don’t eat as much as you”
Aside from that, I’m underweight and I’m heavier than you, as an American myself
(I’m older and taller than you so no, your weight is fine) -
@marvie229 Yea that’s what I’m going to do Monday when I get back to school. I am also a little afraid that my friend Maddie, might just punch the girl who was being rude to me lol
@marvie229 Yea lol, I’m only 11
@EnvyLexi I told my friend about this girl bullying me in 6th grade, we were in 8th around the time I told her; she brought a knife to school and got expelled. ._.