Just wanted to let you all know I love you.
And if you’re not okay you can talk to me about it ♥️♥️♥️
@Cyx are YOU ok?
@7o2_an-a mhm. I’m fine. ☺️
@Cyx oki dokie😊👍🏽
We love you too @Cyx you’re a very sweet person and genuinely one of my best friends here. If something is ever wrong tell me girlie. You’re always welcome to talk to me about anything lol
@Thetruepath thank you, I appreciate you more than you probably know. ♥️♥️♥️ Im okay
@Cyx just making sure. We love you @Cyx please take care of yourself
@Thetruepath I will don’t worry 🥰♥️♥️ love you man.
@Cyx I think it’s kind of fascinating when the people who are secretly struggling are the ones who step up to make sure others don’t feel what they do. This all might seem out of pocket, but just know that you’re appreciated here too, Cyx. Maybe not in other places, but in those other places, the people who tell you that you don’t do enough are blinded by themselves. And with that being said, you can almost expect they won’t appreciate you no matter how hard you try. Grieving not having all the healthy people you need growing up might be one of the hardest things to experience since you literally cannot do anything about it. And as sad as it is in those wrecked situations, learning to survive is just what kids do at that point. It’s easy for me to just say you don’t deserve whatever pain that comes your way, but I know that actually living that pain daily doesn’t come close to being comforted by my reassurance. And when that pain is experienced over and over, “deserving” it or not means nothing when you can’t escape it either way. So, though we can all agree you don’t deserve it, I want to also say: You got to cling onto the hope that there is an end. Because hope is sometimes really the only thing you have.
@Duchess oh, I didn’t really think that anyone would get all of that from this post. Thank you for uh reading in between the lines though and understanding how it feels and what I feel, waking up to this is like kinda surreal ngl, but genuinely thank you. It’s been quite hard and depressing lately, I just dont want others to feel the same and will try to make sure that they avoid those situations as much as possible.i wish I was hopeful too but I’m not sure if I can really hope for much except for one thing. It’s hard living with people who don’t necessarily care and go out their way to harm me. And it’s tough dealing with an isolation during the summer. I appreciate all of you do whatever j can do for anyone like honestly I’m just happy to help really, sure I might be drained but I’d rather other people not experience that and have me take all their pain.
@Cyx Yeah, I get it. And it’s hard to come to accept that surreal reality that is just so messed up. I feel like accepting it has two paths though. One, you throw in the towel and believe there’s no way out and you can’t do anything for yourself. Or two, you start to try to heal the best you can from it from where you are. There are ways to heal right now, and that is accepting that you aren’t responsible, knowing you can’t change how other people will treat you by “working harder” (because likely they’ll never be satisfied), learning to mentally block out the difficult person/people, and building healthy confidence and love for yourself. It takes years and years to get to the point where you just don’t care to please the difficult people/person, especially if they ever do anything physical. I’ve more than grown to love mppc for the community of people that are like you. Who would, no matter what they’re going through, would use what they experience to help others not have to go through the darkness they have dealt with or are still dealing with. I think that is really strong of you.
@Cyx Love you too, and thank you. :] Very nice to meet you