Face reveal?
let me see. ur face
@Friendly_Gurlie stop assaulting me Danny
Ur hurting my feelings danny -
omg so hot
smash -
no need to be so violent danny
꧁ Bearr ꧂ Oh my god
@Burd ꧁ Bearr ꧂ @Sen stop please, she seems annoyed and I feel it’s getting old already
Kinda wore it out
@SilviaTheReNewedSamurai you’re obviously new around here
@Burd I’m starting to debate if you’re truly my friend
This post is deleted! -
@SilviaTheReNewedSamurai It’s fine lmao, they’re just joking
@Friendly_Gurlie no, there are no such things as jokes in mppc
@Burd Oh
@SilviaTheReNewedSamurai Why are you telling me to stop when this was 4 hours ago
@Sen I mean just stop with the Danny think if it annoys her, but more towards burd and bear
lol ok