Help When I Mentioned Duchess I Saw This.
@Flandre-Scarlet dUcHeSs…i’M aT hOuSe nOw WiTh gloCk…
@YourLocalGirls legend says duchess is still awaiting for them to come home with glock
Didn’t duchess already tell y’all about this??? -
@Flandre-Scarlet Fr Fr LMAO
@YourLocalGirls Apparently Lav made tons of Alt accounts, that being one of them. He was mostly bribing for help, but obviously that didn’t happen.
Shazz_ Oh Damn, Is Bro Okay?
@Tsu Oh My God-
@Tsu God Damn
@YourLocalGirls He was a pedophile so I wouldn’t presume that he’d be okay.
Shazz_ Just Like My Old Father…
@YourLocalGirls Really? I’m sorry about that /:
Shazz_ Nah Nah You’re Good Lol.