BRO I CANNATTTTTTT (part 3 of the bullshit with that one girl)
So I was at lunch at the end of the day. And the lunch period was about to end. Miss girl comes up to me with her lil group of girls, and mind you, the last time me and miss girl were conversing (aka “resolving” shit) she was just by herself. And so was I. She comes at me with her group and she’s like “so last time there were the alleged claims, I wasn’t with my girl over here” I am not intimidated by “her girl” so, she’s looking at me and she’s like “so I heard that you and your friend wanted to fight…” and literally I ain’t even say none of that shit at all. I don’t fucks with that shit. Neither did my friend. I know damn well she didn’t cause she don’t like fights. But she’s built like she could win any fight so I’m not necessarily concerned. The thing is, is that miss girl came at me with her little group trying to intimidate me even though I ain’t even come to her and I was minding my business, plus I was by myself and I ain’t need a group to always be up my ass to just converse with someone. But she does cause she’s a pussy ass bitch. If I wanted an issue I would’ve gone to her. But now she’s up my ass for some shit I ain’t even do. This bullshit man…
oh wait i didnt read the post carefully ;-; -
All of this cause she was talking shit about me and my friend
Nah I’m Sorry My Man/Girl(idk i’m sorry if a misgendered you.)
@YourLocalBaconEggAndCheeseSandwich I’m a guy, you’re good bro
@Cyx Oh Ok.