@everyone i made a YouTube channel and would love it if you guys could support me. My channel is
https://youtube.com/@landon_gaming420?si=7bNZs8cMYKk6sq7W (cringe name I know)
feel free to subscribe if you’d like. I’ll be posting gaming videos to it and shorts

“Hypothetically, We’re all higher than pterodactyls, but I am higher than a pterodactyl.” -Clay
“there’s good somewhere out there. It’s just gotta be found.” -Wilbur
Best posts made by Wilbursoup
hey guys
This post has been coming for a long time.
Hey everyone, I’m that one yellow guy on MPP. Most people probably have no clue what I’m talking about, but to those who do, hey.
I think it’s finally time to say goodbye. Recently my mental health has taken a dive, and well. MPP is one of the reason’s. When I first started MPP, I didn’t plan to stick around as long as I have, sooner or later I settled on a name: Wilbur, and uh- I didn’t really have friends for awhile and then I met an amazing person. cough @f-ckb-yy-bees_ cough, and we became good friends. So thank you bee, for giving me a reason to stick around. MPP has been a wild experience, almost like a Roller Coaster with twists and turns, and in the end you know it was a fun experience. another reason I’m deciding to leave is because they’re isn’t much left of MPP anyways, in way, the drama made MPP well- MPP. So yeah, I think it’s finally time to be done. To anyone who would maybe still wanna talk, I’ll just put my discord user here, it’s “core_meower” (please don’t spam me). I plan on leaving forums and the site entirely later today. I might stick around in the discord server.-Wilbur-
Hey guys
@everyone Hey everyone, wilbur here, I think I’ll be leaving for good this time. I won’t be on this or the site anymore. I’ll still be on the discord server so if you want me to see you in a room with a somebot bridge in it just type @core_meower it should mention me or something I wanna say few things before i go
Since the user lithiah doesn’t have an account I wanna say it was nice knowing you (even if it was for a few months) i hope a user on here will pass this on to you, maybe I’ll see you again someday, maybe not- either way it nice to meet you.
To the mods, you guys were great and fun to interact with, you guys were always so funny so thank you for not only keeping this community in great shape and making it hella funny whie doing it.
and to the community entirely, thank you, this community got me through a lot of hard times when I needed it. So thank you for everything.
It was fun while it lasted but all good things come to an end
In case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.
I give up.
I am actually done with everything in life. I need to tell someone this cause I am actually about to fucking go crazy. Sometimes I just want to curl up into a ball and die. I feel like a useless person and a failure in school, which I am. I’ve lost all my real life friends, and my stress is through the fucking roof, to the point to where it has affected my sleeping, I have trouble sleeping at night a lot and get only 3-5 hours of sleep when I do. Another thing adding to my stress is Multiplayer Piano itself, mpp has gotten full of drama these days to the point it’s almost impossible to avoid. So I think I’m gonna take a break or maybe even quit entirely. If I do end up quitting, I just wanna say thank you, to the entire community of mpp. even though it’s been kind of rough lately, mpp has changed my life a lot, I’ve made load’s of new friends cough Someone8448 cough and have learned many new thing’s. So even if this site’s stressed me, thank you. If I do leave I’ll probably make a post about it to let people know. I think that’s about all for now, cya.
Hey I’m gonna be doing a new thing :3
From now own every week I’m gonna post seven random screenshots of users saying the most random stuff from each day of the week, sooooo be sure to keep in check with my account if you wanna stay updated!
aLsO bE SuRe To HiT ThAt FoLlOw BuTtOn, just kidding you don’t have to do that, but likeeee if you want toooooo
Things I literally found out this year
Alaska isn’t in the middle of the ocean and actually connected to canada (I thought it was in the ocean because of all the maps)
Washington, D.C. is NOT in the state of Washington 💀
New York is a state and not just a city 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Reminder I am 15 and a sophomore in Highschool.
Latest posts made by Wilbursoup
RE: Some art for the aliens <3
RE: so. ♥tweaking with my gender identity♥
Blake i was born visible but now i am invisible. I am now trans-parent, my pronouns are who/where.
RE: the dumbest thing u ever did?
Blake I once bumped into a person and they said sorry, I went to say are you okay and it’s cool at the same time and ended up just saying “are you cool?”
RE: chat did you ever not remember the name of something famous
No, but I once got James Garfield and Andrew Garfield mixed up, James Garfield is NOT Spider-Man 💀
hey guys
@everyone i made a YouTube channel and would love it if you guys could support me. My channel is
https://youtube.com/@landon_gaming420?si=7bNZs8cMYKk6sq7W (cringe name I know)
feel free to subscribe if you’d like. I’ll be posting gaming videos to it and shorts