MPPC Rules Update
The rules to this forum has been kind of outdated for a while as it doesnt include some vital rules we need to enforce, so here is an updated version.
Do not be toxic or engage in drama youre not involved in. If someone is annoying or hurting you and/or you believe they should be punished, report them or message the moderators/admins privately. Do not promote others to break any rules. Do not “bend the rules” to fit your wants.
Do not troll to be “funny” or get reactions. It is not necessary and causes conflict most of the time.
Be respectful to others opinions, choices, and beliefs. If someone says something you dont like, keep responses civil or dont respond at all.
Do not evade bans. If you were banned, it was for a reason, and evading will escalate yourself to an IP ban. To appeal your ban, use the ban appeal category. If you wish to have an alt account, talk to the admin/mods for permission.
Choose correct category for your topics to help keep the forum consistent and organized. Use tags to group together posts you’ve made.
Avoid post flooding and creating low-quality topics that have no purpose. Try to re-use existing topics. No spamming.
Do not post public or private NSFW content. This includes sharing nudes in dms, posting screenshots of conversations, memes, art, or images. Do not publicly post heavy gore images. It doesn’t matter if you state a disclosure or not.
Do not publicly/privately share links to nsfw content. Links cannot be used to lure or trick users. Any outside platforms with nsfw content among friend must be shared privately with all party’s knowledge.
Keep controversial topics appropriate/civil. Mentions of suicide and self harm shouldn’t be too detailed, and must have a warning tad or other appropriate labels.
Do not post about other people without asking. This includes making callout posts, posting screenshots of personal conversations, info about someone, IP’s, specific locations, real names, or emails. This applies for bio’s too.
No Inappropriate roleplaying in public or dms. Just because it’s in private doesnt mean it’s okay.
Use the reputation system responsibly. Votes should reflect the quality of the message content. Do not ask for reputation or engage in reputation bombing. Do not encourage people to downvote/upvote.
Do not abuse report system. Take it seriously. Report what you deem necessary. Do not create false reports.
Do not try to ruin people’s reputation or create propaganda about someone. Keep personal problems in dms. Do not screenshot about other people to make a public statement about them. Do not create separate posts about drama in other posts.
Keeps jokes/memes appropriate. If it offends someone, just be respectful and delete it and apologize to avoid further problems.
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