@Kaya-Rose understandable…
@Michael-Afton-Ig You have become a True warrior, and I JDP of Random, Give you the title of Friendship and Pure Charm, You are now a trustworthy person.
JDP_Random heh…
@Michael-Afton-Ig You are now among the top 5 nicest people on MPPC, keep it up!
JDP_Random huh, interesting…
@Michael-Afton-Ig I’m so glad to see this. And I hope you can mend your friendships and truck forward. This is like step one to healing from this madness. Apologizing for past mistakes so people can mentally move on with themselves. And with you. I hope this is just the beginning to a better and healthier friendship with you and others. Even if not everyone wants to move on, at least you did your best to put people at ease. And that’s important because maybe it will put yourself at ease. ❤
@Michael-Afton-Ig wut docs?
@Michael-Afton-Ig ???
JDP_Random bish what am i
im nice D:
@jester-is-a-meme Nope
@jester-is-a-meme gota be a little nicer
@Michael-Afton-Ig damn
i forgive ya buddy
A simple apology wont change how you broke my heart
Are you also gonna apologize for eating my sandwich, bro-
@Misty9118 never it was delicious
@A-Useless-Corpse >:/
@Misty9118 i’ll make you a new one chill-
Zach Very simple-minded, offensive, and rude of you to say. Don’t expect to go far with that attitude. It’s not like they did this multiple time, just ONCE. ONCE. Come on man, at least accept it, even if you don’t mean it.