Vote Ganging
am i interrupting something
@laraiia Some people downvote stuff if it’s low quality (aka, repeating posts). Which i might not want to do that myself, but it’s not wrong to do so. I think it’s at least nice she warned you instead of just starting to downvote stuff.
Which i should add that to the list lol
@Duchess Ah, thanks for the information
Wubbrle the Wubble... Euh me too
@laraiia Oki :)
@Duchess Preech!
Vote ganging.
@Bandit and i downvoted because it seemed like duchess was trying to make ttp feel bad about creating his own group
@Duchess said in Vote Ganging:
I only considered de-trailmodding him when he literally blocked me on discord after just yesterday, he had told me he was glad i messaged him to clear something up that got him mad. He jumped way into things and got way too petty over misunderstandings. THAT is why I de-modded him. His attitude with me when I asked him if he was mad at me and Tree for defending TTP wasnt a good start to our conversation yesterday either.
and yet that post, for one part, can be considered petty. you weren’t defending ttp, you were tryna make him feel shameful for creating a group like yours