Why I'm like this.
So uhm hey guys… I am bad at making vents, plz dont make fun of my grammar, but I have to LET this out immediatley- Back in the Days i were 5-6, We would have a Black cat named “Puma”, she was very chill and i would Pet her everyday, treat her like she is my favorite thing, we would go to the Supermarket almost everyday to get some Food for our favorite black cat :D, i even asked Dad several times if i should stay there, but he said no Because im too young, but… then there was this one day she was sick, days later it would become a bit worse… I was really worried, so we took her to the Vet, to find out she was sick and probably wouldnt survive for a long time anymore… I was a bit sad and from this point on i would treat her the best Way as possible, in the nights that i would sleep, she would always come to me and i Pet her- But 3 Weeks later, the worst thing Possible happend. She was feeling EXTREMELY bad, and we had to take her to the Vet ONCE again… and they said that they have to keep Puma here, “With a high chance she will not survive, im sorry to make you hear that.”, I was crying really much and hoping that she will survive, but unfortunately… She died. After we heard that she died… I would cry really loud and much, i think i’ve never cried that much in my Entire life, also while typing this, some tears came out :(. Yeah, the death of my favorite cat “Puma” is the reason im so sensitive… I think that atleast one of you on here noticed im really- really senstive sometimes, before the Death of Puma i would be much more stronger, but yeah, after she died, I got really sensitive… and last Night i cried too because of the loss of Puma.
Yeah this was my first Vent ever… and for the lazy People on here There is ofc a TL;DR! TL;DR: I had a black cat named Puma, i would always buy food for her, one day she got sick, the sickness got worse, then at one point she died and my IRL personality got a lot more Sensitive :(
Edit: The title was supposed to say “This is why i’m like this.”
Wubbrle the Wubble... I think the reason why it hits so hard to me back then was because i was a young age- like… a small toddler cant handle it as much as a teenager that i am Now
Wubbrle the Wubble...
I’m really sorry for your loss, She’s in a better place though, still watching you [in a good way] and holding a place in your heart though. -
@Felixs_Fake_Eyes :D t-thank- thank you, that was literally my worst irl experience ever
Wubbrle the Wubble... I understand completely. If my favorite cat died due to sickness, I would honestly be crying my eyes out too.
I was trying to see where I was mentioned but I checked the edit revisions, no wonder I couldn’t see it LOL.
Sorry that happened. I lost my dog Daisy just about a year ago.
SAD :((
Wubbrle the Wubble... Aw. :( That is sad. It is hard to have an emotional attachment to something/one and have them taken away. Being you were so young, I can see how that huge emotional experience can effect your emotions today.
@Duchess Mhm…
Wubbrle the Wubble... To cheer you up, Here’s a funny video
I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I hope everything gets better <33
I’ll pray for you <33
@保志久美 thank you… ALSO TADC??
Wubbrle the Wubble... LOL Yeah!
@保志久美 uhm yeah- ok- its not my type of series
Wubbrle the Wubble... Awwee
@保志久美 LMAO BUT I LOVE SPONEGBOB- since i love spongebob i like this message- well- that sponegbob episode where gary da snail is gone makes me cry all time- it reminds me a bit of Puma
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