yall why is mpp down
@jester-is-a-meme bad internet
scarlet lol it doesnt do this.
@jester-is-a-meme welp idk then ¯_(ツ)_/¯
scarlet lol mom…
you are MUDA (useless) -
@jester-is-a-meme :')
my own child thinks im useless
scarlet lol i don’t think your useless-
@Michael-Afton-Ig :')
scarlet lol shut up uselessness
@jester-is-a-meme OI, STAHP-
@jester-is-a-meme …
no child of mine will tell ME to shut up pulls out chancla
@jester-is-a-meme u better
scarlet lol APOLIGIZE
scarlet lol no
@jester-is-a-meme apologize or chancla
scarlet lol no <3 grabs a baby for protection
@jester-is-a-meme takes the baby
@jester-is-a-meme baby’s wont be able to save you
this chancla has been pased down in my family for generations
and hispanic chanclas hurt the most
@Michael-Afton-Ig babe.
hand it over- -
@jester-is-a-meme put the god damn baby down-