Just an Opinion.
“I think Fat acceptance or fat liberation shouldn’t be celebrated.” - Michellemcd543
“Celebrate being healthy, not unhealthy
You can be proud of yourself, but only for the right things” - Jun
Being fat can cause a lot of problems for some, but society makes it hard for them to change it.
This video explains a little bit of it.People need to understand a few things.
Just because a fat activist, Singer, Podcaster, or any of those top fat people telling you that you are beautiful just the way you are starts working out, that doesn’t mean that they Stopped loving other fat people.I also understand that some fat people can’t loose weight, I don’t, won’t, and Can’t blame them.
But for the people who can but refuse to and they wonder why their health is declining, shm.
I’m sorry If I offended anyone this was just a big opinion that I saw and agreed with.
I do accept fat people for being who they are but if it’s affecting your health and others are barraging you for trying to lose weight to be in a better condition… Smh… Need I say more?
If I offend you, Tell me in the DMs
@ゼフィラ-ヤラ being fat is ok to a extent cuz im fat
Celebrate being healthy, not unhealthy
You can be proud of yourself, but only for the right things -
@Winnie_the_Bitch I think fat people are pretty
them Belly rolls 🤩
@jun That’s what I was saying, Just didn’t know how to get it out without being rude in any way
@jun Is it cool if I quote that in my post?
It’ll look like this
“Celebrate being healthy, not unhealthy
You can be proud of yourself, but only for the right things” - Jun -
@ゼフィラ-ヤラ Go right ahead pal
@ゼフィラ-ヤラ excuse me
being just a teensy bit chubby is fine but being over 500 pounds of pure hamburber is not ok
@Winnie_the_Bitch You heard me 😏
Belly rolls 😏😏😏
I see where you’re coming from, i don’t think people should encourage unhealthy lifestyles, being overweight and being obese are completely different things and should be seen as separate sets of people. (Medically speaking) so it definitely should not be encouraged.
@kitkatgirlie yeah
Some people think they can’t help it but they haven’t even tried.
@kitkatgirlie OKAY THAT MADE ME LAUGH-
@Emory1008 thank you for getting it :D
@ゼフィラ-ヤラ gurl wtf
i hate fat- (as in- y’know)
@Winnie_the_Bitch Ur pretty tho 😔
Belly rolls 😔😔
@Winnie_the_Bitch Lmaoo
@ゼフィラ-ヤラ girl will you not type belly rolls after every other scentince