I lied to you all. I’m so sorry.
@Duchess someone who i can trust and enjoy spending time with even more than a bestie
And cause finn makes me feel single
@_-nyx-_ What is “more than a bestie” though.
@Duchess so i don’t have to hold my feelings in that little amount I always do even with a best friend.
@_-nyx-_ idek who is cryptic-
BUT SINCE YOU ADMITTED IT, WE AREN’T MAD YOU LIED. you took the time to apologize and that’s okay! you deserve forgiveness from God and me.
i also had no idea this was happening at all
but it is hard to find a partner so i feel your pain
@laraiia well she was only here for a day because I accedentally did an oopsie and felt shitty then deleted it
@_-nyx-_ man really did an april fools on us
but its okay
@laraiia it wasn’t april fools
@_-nyx-_ oopsies meant that to be a joke
but still, i hope you find someone <3 you deserve a partner
@laraiia i do cause i’m so unbearably attractive
/j (i’m joking don’t murder me please😭)
@_-nyx-_ You dont have to be in a relationship with someone in order to “have someone you trust.” I notice people think that being in a relationship = you dont need boundaries, you dont to worry about sharing personal info, secrets, or anything. Even if you just got into the relationship. It’s crazy how as soon as someone gets into a relationship, they just spill out all their secrets and personal info. I get the dream is that they want to be with this person a lifetime, but that’s a HUGE commitment that most people cant even fulfill, especially when they’re young. And whenever people break up, they regret sharing what they did. My point here is, just becuase someone’s in a relationship with you, doesnt mean they’re any more trustworthy than a friend. It’s not like being in a relationship with someone magically changes someone into the most trustworthy being ever.
@Duchess I understand
It’s just hard to explain without sounding weird
@_-nyx-_ You can dm me if you want. I wont mind.
@Duchess oki will on discord