I hate my teacher
She’s asking me for pictures of notes from this unit. Which is fine normally. But this specific unit, I didn’t take notes (Just for science) because we’ve been doing stuff on space, and I’m like, really good with space and the solar system and stuff. I’ve been getting 100% after 100% on every quiz. I explained to her in an email that I didn’t take notes because I already knew everything we had gone over (I was a space geek from 4th grade up to 6th). I even asked her last month if I could skip the lessons and go straight to the quizzes for just that unit, which she gave me a pass on. But now, she’s asking me for notes she knows damn well I didn’t take because, one, I said I didn’t, and two, I skipped the lessons.
Normally, I wouldn’t complain, but the part that is pissing me off is that she failed me on the notes. Like what? She literally let me skip lessons. How tf am I supposed to take notes if I skipped lessons? So now, I guess to change the grade, I have to take notes from 5 lessons from this unit and turn them in.f u teacher
@Miss_Americana Who really rights notes 😒
@ゼフィラ-ヤラ …
@Miss_Americana That’s honestly gross, and this is the exact reason people end up deciding to homeschool their children. I hate how some teachers care more about the process than the final result. You clearly know a lot about this stuff and the teacher should credit you for not even needing notes. Smh
@Miss_Americana imagine being that talented at science
ohmuhgoodness i said talented at science, i think that’d just be what you call smarts which clearly im not
@ゼフィラ-ヤラ Notes :(
@ゼフィラ-ヤラ I like writing notes but i dont like the part where i have to save them. like where do i put 50 papers for science becuase mrs has us do like too many notes :(
Jozlyn My teacher in 5th grade was a space nerd, and in 6th grade we had a whole ass semester based on space. Safe to say it turned me into a space geek too.
@Miss_Americana Maybe youll go to mars, who knows
Jozlyn Mars is ass, I wanna go to Jupiter
@Miss_Americana I heard Uranus was more interesting