@Poptart_Yeeter Yeah, You’re right, I’m sorry :(
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@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Milo if you don’t shut the hell up with your packgod wanna be ass
@Poptart_Yeeter Boy, Shut yo skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan Indiana Jones overgrown flintstone x and y hormone friend zone sylvester stallone sierra leone autozone professionally seen silver patrone big headed ass up. Cheap bone, leave me alone, tik tok knock know ass Up.
You give the “I am one of the Imposters in the game of Among Us, and it seems like no one understands what “sus” means. Every time someone accuses me of being the Impostor, they use the word “sus” and I have no idea what they are talking about. I’ve tried to look it up, but I can’t find any information about what “sus” means. Is it a secret code that only some players know? Is it something that only the Imposters are supposed to know? I just don’t understand. It’s frustrating because I feel like I’m at a disadvantage every time someone uses the word “sus” against me. I can’t defend myself or explain why I’m not the Impostor if I don’t even know what they are accusing me of. I wish someone would explain to me what “sus” means, so I can be on equal footing with the other players in the game. It’s not fair that they have access to information that I don’t.” Ahh Wannabe. 💀 -
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Milo If you ever had to speak your mind, you’d be silent
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Milo Which s3xual positions produces ugliest son? Ask your mother.
@Poptart_Yeeter Kai, you’re a fucking joke, a pathetic excuse for a partner. Your life is a sad, pathetic mess, a never-ending cycle of laziness and incompetence. You’re a waste of space, a waste of time, and a waste of oxygen, a useless piece of shit that’s only good for taking up space. Your brain is a mushy mess, a jumbled collection of half-baked ideas and stupid decisions. You’re a spineless coward, a gutless wonder who can’t even be bothered to stand up for yourself. Your relationship with me is a joke, a sad, pathetic attempt at love that’s only held together by my pity and your desperation.
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Milo but- but you were spitting pure facts
@Poptart_Yeeter Kai, you’re a fucking embarrassment, a humiliating reminder of my own poor judgment. Your life is a shitshow, a never-ending circus of incompetence and stupidity. You’re a waste of space, a waste of time, and a waste of oxygen, a useless piece of shit that’s only good for making me look bad. Your decisions are a bunch of crap, a stream of stupid choices that always seem to end in disaster. You’re a selfish, arrogant, and entitled piece of garbage, a narcissistic waste of space who only cares about yourself. Your relationship with me is a toxic nightmare, a poisonous waste dump of emotions that’s slowly draining the life out of me.
@Poptart_Yeeter Still
@Poptart_Yeeter Lemme get off sketchy mode, kinda hurting my eyes if we finna roast each other
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Milo said in BAHAH:
useless piece of shit that’s only good for taking up space
i hear THAT one all the time
@Poptart_Yeeter Kai, poor baby, got his feelings hurt
Oh, Kai, you’re so sensitive, you’d think you’re a fragile little flower, but really, you’re just a delicate piece of shit that can’t handle the truth. You’re like a participation trophy, a consolation prize for showing up, but not actually doing anything worth mentioning. You’re so used to being called a useless piece of shit that it’s become your nickname, and honestly, it’s the most accurate description of you. You’re like a broken record, always playing the same sad song of “I’m hurt” and “I’m offended”, but really, you’re just a joke, a pathetic attempt at being relevant. So, keep crying, Kai, keep crying, because that’s all you’re good for.
(i accidentally roasted myself instead of you 💀)
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Milo gOd DaMn
that hit home run
@Poptart_Yeeter LMAOO
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Milo You’re why shampoo bottles have instructions
😂 Ahahahaha, nice one, Kai! 👏
Kai, you’re so dumb, you’d think a “Do Not Eat” label on a poisonous substance is a dietary recommendation. You’re like a human version of a participation trophy, a reminder that everyone gets one, no matter how pathetic they are