is It ok to eat the green part of any fruit or vegetable
@Poptart_Yeeter no seeds though, right?
@Milo_lolioruru Excluding tomatoes 🙃
@Milo_lolioruru idk but i think so
kaykay the elemental puddle cat no i heard apple seeds were poisonous
@Poptart_Yeeter good, bc they are
@Poptart_Yeeter oh … well ig I’m poisioned
one or two is fine but like, dont eat them over and over
@Milo_lolioruru Apple seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide, which is poisonous and deadly to people and dogs (not to mention, they taste… bad). Don’t panic, a medium-sized dog would have to eat around 1,000 apple seeds to get to a deadly dose, so your dog isn’t in immediate danger of cyanide poisoning if they gobble up a few seeds.
kaykay the elemental puddle cat said in is It ok to eat the green part of any fruit or vegetable:
Apple seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide
Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!
@Milo_lolioruru huh? do you want that? do wish upon yourself to come into physical experience with a crummy juncture?
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