Ermm..., Chat?
- She got caught and she didnt have enough time to say goodbye
Or 2. She wanted to change the name (gotta enter ur password) and she pressed delete account without knowing and thinking shes on the “change name” Thingie but typed it in and just got her account deleted, im not sure tho
@Bandit what,
@m-i-l-o Yeah, he pretty much sseemed normal to me
Wubbrle the Wubble... For real.
Elisa Lam death case Forums version.
@Bandit What happen now
@tea-and-crumpets THAT’S WILD
@Bandit Erm …
@tea-and-crumpets amelia earhart
@Bandit WHAT
are there 2 Kais?
@Bandit What the hell. I thought it was them the entire time??? Who even was on their account then???
@Bandit Wait? Is he joking? or is he fr? THIS IS FREAKING ME OUTT
@Bandit I don’t think so??
@tea-and-crumpets i feel like when they first got banned they just got cloned and replaced
@Bandit said in
are there 2 Kais?
I don’t think there would be two Kais like that
this is freaky bruh